Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well, today is my 2nd wedding anniversary! Yay!

The down side is, yesterday I got SPACERS. I'd heard they weren't fun, but my orthodontist promised I'd be okay and it wouldn't be a huge deal. "I hope so", I said, "because I don't want to have to have a steak smoothie for my anniversary dinner."

I got them put in yesterday - and OMG THE PAIN. First it just felt like a big thing stuck between my teeth, but now it's HORRIBLE. It got worse quickly last night to the point that I took a Vicodin and 800mg Advil to be able to sleep. My teeth all feel SO SORE - especially the ones in the front, surprisingly, as the gapping action in the back is shoving pressure toward the middle.

This is made worse by the fact that a)I have an extra tooth on the bottom so it's already crowded down there and b)my top front teeth are attached by concrete and a wire in the back so they can't move separately. I feel like they're going to crack.

I did eat last night, though. The chewing pain hurts but almost in a good way - like it's circulating blood flow or something. It's SO PAINFUL but seems helpful. Sort of like when someone gives you a deep tissue massage on a pinched nerve. You hate it but know it'll be better..

I'm convinced these are nothing but a torture device designed to make braces seem like the least painful thing ever. Because right now I'm BEGGING for brace day, so that these suckers come off.

Five more days to braces!

For those who don't know - spacers are put on to wedge space around your molars enough to put a metal band around them on brace day. They don't get regular brackets like your front teeth. The spacers will be on until brace day (unless I decide to take them off with pliers - which is looking more and more attractive as an option!)


Gregory Giovannti Lawing said...

Ouch! How in the world did they get them in there? That looks painful. I didn't have to get them for some reason. They must be installing molar bands or something. With me, they used these buccal tubes...whatever they are used for!! Good luck in your treatment though!!

. said...

Hey! I've enjoyed reading your blog so far! I feel for you, I hated getting spacers! It was definitely the most painful part for me. Hang in there...Monday is tomorrow!

Good luck on the braces!